Gucci 2011 spring and Louis Vuitton Handbags summer Where Do You Get Louis Vuitton bags handbags The handbag above is one of gucci handbags in Louis Vuitton Women springsummer 2011 collection.It is a shoulder bag which is much larger than general handbags.Made of typical gucci signature fabric, the bag is easy to be indentified and recognized.Some details would catch buyers attention.Braided leather strap and light gold hardware are the specialties of this gucci bag.Besides, snap closure and internal zip pocket and pda pocket can be found in the bag.Surely, the handbag will be perfect for you in summer, 2011. Different from the first bag, this handbag belongs to another style.It looks pretty cool.However, there are similarities between two bags.Both have unique and individual weaving patterns.The carrying handles of the second bag are made of braided patterns as well.The color of the handbag is brown and the twist gold bottom makes it looks very shine.Just like other bags, it also has zip pocket and open pocket for your wallet and cell phone.This bag can be used for work or other casual occasions.
- Mar 10 Mon 2014 19:48
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